The biggest and most exciting news is that Victor has started to read! He is only starting with the most basic stuff ("Bob book" series.) All of a sudden, it seems that something has clicked in his brain, and he totally understands how to sound things out... as long as he is focused which is not always the case. I'll tell you, it takes a whole heck of a lot of patience, more than what I've got, to get him through a book if he is anywhere close to la-la land, one of his favorite places to be. Anyway, I made a reading chart and put a star sticker on it for every book he reads. After he completes the whole series, he receives a surprise.
Bribery works so well on this kid. We also have a "Victor Sleeps Through the Night like a Big Boy Chart" in which he gets a sticker each night that he goes to sleep without Bry or me having to rock in his room until he falls asleep. You see, mama got a little fed up with that and had to put her foot down. Wish I'd done it sooner since it is going so well. We are on the ninth consecutive night. Hooray!
Bryan and I were just discussing that in the past several months, Victor has started to really mature. For instance, today at the barber shop, he just sat up on his chair and let the barber do his job, while chatting quite casually. At one point I overheard him say "my mom only lets me have sweets, like, once in a blue moon..." which isn't exactly true as he has dessert every night, but still, the point is he was conversing so naturally and confidently and well, more like a grown-up. There was no squirming or fussing like every other time he has gotten his hair cut. I was blown away and so proud.
I have to mention his latest obsession with mythical beasts, specifically the collection of little plastic figures he received for Christmas. He carries them all over the house and is constantly setting up scenes, flying or swimming them here and there. Ever since he got them, he would show them one by one to Ivan who would just stare and smile while listening to Victor pronounce their names in his Mr. Professor tone. Well, it just so happened that Ivan is now equally fascinated by the "beasts." Victor's enthusiasm rubbed off on him in a major way. For a while, there was a constant battle in our household over these darn things. They are Vic's favorite toys so I understand that it was hard for him to share, which he did many times (of course, after much coaxing and pleeding and Ivan crying of a broken heart). After several weeks of this, I could stand it no longer. We drove downtown to the bookstore and purchased a new set, just for Ivan who was beyond delighted. He just glowed when I handed the tube of beasts to him and told him they were his beasts, not Victor's, and he had to get his hands on "Backa" (Chupacabra) right away. The house is much more peaceful since and I do not regret my decision.
Victor's imagination is baffling to me. I don't understand how or where he comes up with some of the scenarios in his pretend world. They are oftentimes too complex and involved for me and at some points, my mind will basically just shut off and I can't even attempt to compute what is going on in his crazy head. He is on another planet sometimes.
Every day that goes by, he seems to enjoy his brother more and more. Their brotherly bond is becoming stronger and it is clear that they truly love and enjoy each other. Victor especially likes taking his brother by the hand and leading him places although Ivan won't always have it. By favorite thing is hearing them laugh together. It fills my heart with sheer joy and I can't help but join in on their laughter.