Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Squirrel Fascination

Ivan has developed a love of squirrels.  We often go to our local park while Vic is in preschool so that he can watch their frantic pre-winter hustle and bustle. Sometimes when he is in a more vigorous mood (obviously not at this moment), he may even try to creep up on one... but if he gets too close and actually makes eye contact with the little rodent, then he gets rather nervous and runs back into my arms.  Whenever we see pictures of them in books, he points and stares and wants me to say "squirrel" over and over. Really, the same goes for horses, cows, crocodiles, and dogs. To be honest, I believe I have become quite a successful animal imitator. I could easily make animal sounds in my sleep.  

1 comment:

NME said...

If only we could make animal noises in our sleep: We could entertain the wee ones and catch a few extra winks.